Episode #37 – Futurist and academic, Professor Andy Miah, discusses sport’s relationship with emerging technologies that have the potential to make it stronger economically and environmentally
Science. Technology. Ethics. Art and design. Culture. Media. Olympic sport.
Just some of the topics that this week’s podcast guest, Professor Andy Miah, counts within his sphere of expertise and interests.
Specifically for this episode, we’ll be focusing on innovation in the sports industry – primarily sustainable innovation – and what news tech and ways of thinking are best placed to help the sector generate engagement, become more financially sustainable, and less of a burden on the planet’s resources.
Miah discusses the future of the Olympic Games, and how the current coronavirus pandemic and concerns around climate change may impact the way the Games is traditionally hosted. He also explains how eSports could help with that transition.
Tune in to this episode to find out:
– Why the pandemic is the perfect time for sports organisations to innovate
– How eSports can make the traditional sports industry more financially and environmentally sustainable
– What sports events and entities can do to become drivers of sustainable innovation
Listen to the full episode here:
And if you want more insight related to the economic, social and environmental side of the sports industry, subscribe via iTunes, Spotify and Stitcher.
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