The Sustainability Report’s second white paper focuses on the need for sports entities to be transparent about their carbon footprint and other environmental impacts
PricewaterhouseCoopers’ recently published Sports Survey for 2020 is, of course, dominated by the impact Covid-19 is having on the sports sector. But its 2019 survey, published when coronavirus was not yet an issue, revealed that industry leaders were concerned with transparency and good governance.
Indeed, the area in which sport could most improve, agreed the majority (56%) of respondents, was through improving governance and being more open with stakeholders.
When we talk about transparency in sport, we often think about being open about financial circumstances, or being transparent about board appointments and event bid winners.
But, as sport’s major stakeholders (fans, commercial partners), become more concerned about environmental issues, transparency around carbon footprint and other environmental factors is becoming increasingly important.
There are some concerns about this within the sports industry: some may be concerned about the perception of their organisation if their environmental impact is deemed too large. Others may be put off by the absence of industry benchmarking, or lack of technical sustainability knowledge within their company.
In this white paper, we attempt to explain why being transparent about your carbon emissions and other environmental data is overwhelmingly positive – from improving brand reputation, to securing competitive advantage. Leveraging the latest research, case studies and expert analysis, this guide illustrates:
– What carbon emission transparency is
– Why becoming transparent about your carbon footprint is important for your sports organisation
– How to communicate your environmental impact to stakeholders in an engaging and effective way
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