Ryder Cup 2018 commits to French sustainable events charter

Ryder Cup 2018 commits to French sustainable events charter

Ryder Cup Europe, the organising committee and the GEO Foundation reveals the tournament’s Green Drive sustainability pledge

The organising committee responsible for golf’s prestigious Ryder Cup tournament has pledged to deliver on France’s comprehensive sustainable events charter as part of its Green Drive.

With the support of Ryder Cup Europe, the organising committee and the sustainability-focused GEO Foundation, the tournament will adhere to the 15 points on the charter, which include requirements around sustainable food, waste, biodiversity protection and water use (full list below).

French Ministry of Sport 15-Point Charter for Sustainable Events:

  • Minimum 50% sourcing of sustainable food at every venue/event
  • Minimum 80% of trips to the event to be made on active mobility, public transport or carpooling
  • 80% of purchases to incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility selection criteria
  • 20% reduction of waste and 60 percent of waste to be re-used, recycled and re-valued
  • 100% respect and protection of natural sites
  • 100% water and energy management and promotion of efficiency measures
  • Minimum of one eco-responsible innovation to be piloted during every event
  • One or more sports ambassadors to be assigned for every venue/event
  • All the event venues to provide easy access for people with disabilities
  • All events to incorporate an action to promote accessibility for everyone
  • All volunteers to be respected and valued
  • Minimum one engagement dedicated to a solidarity cause
  • Minimum one engagement to promote equality between males and females in positions of responsibility
  • Minimum one reference of the term ‘Sustainable Development’ within the organisation
  • Minimum one action, programme or initiative to raise awareness about sustainable development

The committee has cited three main goals for its Green Drive:

  1. Minimise its environmental footprint through sustainable procurement, recycling, water efficiency, clean energy and clear transportation;
  2. Maximise community benefits, including economic, human health, sports development and environmental quality; and
  3. Engage and inspire partners, suppliers, contractors and spectators

Paris’ Le Golf National course will host the Europe versus America match play competition this September.

It was built on a former landfill site using recycled construction materials, has been GEO Foundation certified since 2015, and is working with the Natural History Museum of France on a national golf and biodiversity project.

Le Golf National course, Paris

Jacobsen, the only ISO 14001-accredited golf course equipment manufacturer, is providing the course with electric or hybrid mowers which don’t use any oil-based hydraulic fluid.

Richard Hills, Ryder Cup Europe director, said the upcoming Ryder Cup will be “one of the cleanest, most sustainable editions”.

“We were one of the first major sporting events to sign up to the French Government Charter for eco-responsibility events at the time of the Open de France last year,” he added, “and since then we have been working closely with our delivery partner, GEO Foundation, to put that into action.”

GEO Foundation executive director, Jonathan Smith, said: “The top-level commitment is supported by detailed procurement policies that will push innovation in the event’s supply chain. We are sure this will resonate with fans as the Green Drive comes to life closer to the event.”

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